05 April, 2010

mah PLAN towards 2010 n 2011.

something pop out from my mind

about studying n travelling around. YES i wan to make all mah dream(s) come true.

im thinking of taking summer course in perth next yr in 2011. then travel to melb or anywher else after i finish summmer course in FEB. not gonna come back for CNY perhaps. That is just a good idea. huhu~

For this year end im thinking to go HK? which i neva been ther bfor. HK is one of the shopping paradise. my first impression bout HK is the night view . waoooo!

AND i WANT to visit SG again either this yr or next yr. *but i ll make it secretly, yin wei wo bu yao gen jasmine yi qi* HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA tell me wher the orchard road da bian mall u mentioned XD


还有 请叫我 胖妹

我还有个爱美食的姐妹 我们俩简直就是吃报酬那样厚 每天都吃宵夜 一天都没有错过耶 掺了!

嘴巴说不吃了 很生气 可是还是照吃的

两个人喝了四杯 想吃roti canai 可是habis =____= 就还好有沙爹

有人 从上车到下车 都给我 狂笑 哈哈哈

我在民都鲁 早上下午 都是陪妈咪

晚上都很迟睡 早上还是得早起跟妈出去吃早点 原因就是想多陪她 呵呵

今天去了一家办厂 看看

在民都鲁的生活太棒了 不怕24/7呆在家

我就是想 这样的生活 但不可能 呵呵


Just-mine said...

Like this post TTM <3

and remember to post in Chinese xD

✖QiQi 77✖ said...

HAHA u dare not to like de ? qian da haaaa XD XD XD
post in chinese coz chinese is sooner bcome the world's no.1 language HAHAHAHAHAHA. i only know simple chinese thou :D :D :D