15 March, 2010

just SOB

it s 4 in the morning
i choose to get up from bed not because i want to study
i wanna know wad happen to me actually. I JUST WAN TO KNOW.
i gif up waiting myself, to fall asleep. i gif up sleeping today. i seriously think of giving up everything i have now
Listening to songs is what im doing atm.
i just get STRESS/ ANNOYED so easily .
DONT knock on my door and DONT just knock my door when u need me
i wont KNOCK on ur door either.
dont bring me stuff that i cant handle well

静静的 没有什么不好
我想躲在 一个没有人懂我的地方
我相信 没有 约定 这两个字
就像我说的那样 我不懂 更不想懂
人 往往 都会有低弱 的时候
就连 自己都很难抓摸到自己的心情 起伏不定
我只想要 简简单单 这四个字

你的痛 是我给的承诺 *lyrics* *im not a heartbroker/ heartbroken*
i admit that em just being emo recently.

1 comment:

Just-mine said...

BABY. You broke our friendship rule no.1!
whenever you're down,
whenever you need someone to talk to,
whenever you need someone to listen to you,
whenever you need anything,
i'm always always here.
i'm just a sms away, a nudge away, or a missed call away.
you can just text me, nudge me or miss call me, so that i know you need me, and i'll always go to you.
remember that okay, you're not alone, you cant do this alone, i'm always here.
Just like everytime I face problems, you're the one i'll turn to.
so, promise, you'll turn to me too when you have probs, you're down, or wadever shit.
talk to me, dont do this alone okay.
we are besties remember? (L)!
JIAYOU beeeee.