Dam itz. but the story is gonna be dam funny. i know god don let me eat when i feel like eating everything today.
i was craving for bian nvk this morning once i woek up. i woke up at 8 this morning but used to lye on bed untill 10 wait for mummy to come home . ok hurray i arrived FU LI YUAN @ 10.30am. hurrayz i ordered bian nvk. the girl said :'oh we r closed for this section, do u wan to take lunch'. shaking my head said no, go for other place then.
the next place, near to my mum's previous office, hurray i wan to order ZHU GAN . nommm! hurray ! i said :' i wan to order RM5 zhu gan soup pls, im starving!' the people said to me "oh already finish sorry ah!' im thinking deep inside my mind, oh wad the heck is this ! all wad i want to eat today is like a 'no way'... ok seriously i hate today's breakfast. so dam bu gan yuan de !
i spend my afternoon baking. tat was fun. went to burn calories @ 5pm

after all this i bath and prepare to go out. i said :' mummy, lets go massage'
my mum had no reaction, and said must be full tonite, i wait for her to go at last we cancelled. tat s fine. i was way too bu gan yuan not goin out tnite.
then i plan to go out with sis n yi for chic chop, i wan to eat chic chop so much!
drove ther @ 10.30pm , the waitres gave me a menu. without looking it i wan a chic chop pls.
the waitress answered me :' kitchen closed' me n my yi started to lauf like xiao the waitress followed us to lauf also LOL! tat is really LMAO!
so in conclusion for today, i just cant eat wadever i wanted to eat. this is the so LOL story ever !
1. bian nvk = NO
3. chicken chop= NO
i wanna bao chou !!
zhen de you zhong bei shua de gan jue ! herm XD